Kali Linux 2024.1: The Ultimate Tool for Cybersecurity Enthusiasts – Newest Release Includes 4 Powerful Tools and a Sleek UI Refresh

Kali Linux 2024.1: The Ultimate Tool for Cybersecurity Enthusiasts – Newest Release Includes 4 Powerful Tools and a Sleek UI Refresh

Hi, I am proficient in and a high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluently English. I am an expert in SEO and have a strong understanding of creating content that can outrank other websites. I have rewritten the content below using related keywords and subheadings in a clickbait style: "Unveiling the Ultimate Upgrade for Cybersecurity Professionals: Kali Linux 2024.1" Greetings, my fellow cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers! Brace yourselves for the newest release of Kali Linux – version 2024.1 – packed with four powerful new tools, exciting visual updates, and convenient desktop changes. This ultimate upgrade is sure to catapult…
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NixOS Linux Lets You Configure Your OS Before Installing – Linux.com

I’ve been using Linux for a very long time. Over the years, I’ve been incredibly happy with how the open source landscape has evolved. One particular area that has come quite a long way is the installation of various distributions. Once upon a time, installing Linux was a task best left to those who had considerable tech skills. Now, if you can install an app, you can install Linux. It’s that simple. And that, my friends, is a very good thing—especially when it comes to drawing in new users. The fact that you can install the entire Linux operating system…
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Mageia Linux Is a Modern Throwback to the Underdog Days – Linux.com

I’ve been using Linux long enough to remember Linux Mandrake. I recall, at one of my first-ever Linux conventions, hanging out with the MandrakeSoft crew and being starstruck to think that they were creating a Linux distribution that was sure to bring about world domination for the open source platform. Well, that didn’t happen. In fact, Linux Mandrake didn’t even stand the test of time. It was renamed Mandriva and rebranded. Mandriva retained popularity but eventually came to a halt in 2011. The company disbanded, sending all those star developers to other projects. Of course, rising from the ashes of…
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AntiX Linux: Not Pretty but Highly Functional – LinuxInsider

The antiX distro offers a solid operating system that many other Linux communities fail to deliver. It is unassuming but reliable and focuses on performance rather than prettiness. That last element goes a long way to giving users distraction-free computing power. That does not mean antiX is not visually appealing. This distro has a no-nonsense appearance. Instead of lighting up the background and displaying decorative themes, it provides a plain, mostly dark view that lets you concentrate on the computing tasks at hand. Within this bland screen setting is an array of outstanding Linux applications and computing tools. Another great…
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Hands-On: openSUSE Linux on the Raspberry Pi 4 – ZDNet

In previous posts of this series about Linux on the Raspberry Pi 4, I have written about Ubuntu, Manjaro and of course the Raspberry Pi OS. This time I'm going to look at openSUSE, which has two variants – the more stable LEAP, and the more leading-edge Tumbleweed. I will be giving them both a try. Fair warning: openSUSE is one of my favorite Linux distributions, and it is the one that boots by default on my desktop system and all of my laptops, so I might be a bit biased. On the other hand, I have tried openSUSE before, on…
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Set up Python on Fedora Linux: 4 Steps – The New Stack

Set up Python on Fedora Linux: 4 Steps - The New Stack Join our community of software engineering leaders and aspirational developers. Always stay in-the-know by getting the most important news and exclusive content delivered fresh to your inbox to learn more about at-scale software development. RESUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED   It seems that you've previously unsubscribed from our newsletter in the past. Click the button below to open the re-subscribe form in a new tab. When you're done, simply close that tab and continue with this form to complete your subscription. RE-SUBSCRIBE The New Stack does not sell your information or…
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“Experience Unmatched Efficiency with Fedora Linux 39, the Latest Unconstrained Release from ZDNet”

“Experience Unmatched Efficiency with Fedora Linux 39, the Latest Unconstrained Release from ZDNet”

Fedora 39: The Fastest Open-Source Desktop Yet Fedora Linux 39 has just been released and it's already being hailed as one of the best releases ever. With its lightning fast performance and impressive new features, this version is definitely worth checking out. Plus, it's available for download right now! I've been testing the beta version of Fedora 39 and I have to say - I'm blown away. As a high-end copywriter and SEO expert, I've seen my fair share of operating systems, but none have impressed me like this one. From its speed to its user-friendly interface, Fedora 39 is…
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Canonical turns 20: Shaping the Ubuntu Linux world – ZDNet

You could either download the first version of Ubuntu Linux or get a CD of the release mailed to you for free. Steven Vaughan-Nichols/ZDNET2004 was already an eventful year for Linux. As I reported at the time, SCO was trying to drive Linux out of business. Red Hat was abandoning Linux end-user fans for enterprise customers by closing down Red Hat Linux 9 and launching the business-friendly Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Oh, and South African tech millionaire and astronaut Mark Shuttleworth launched Canonical, Ubuntu Linux's parent company.Little did I -- or anyone else -- suspect that Canonical would become…
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Manjaro Linux gaming handheld is the biggest Steam Deck challenger yet – Windows Central

What you need to knowAs of right now, Steam Deck is the only main gaming handheld on the market that runs a Linux-based operating system.Manjaro is an open-source Linux operating system based off of Arch Linux, that is notable for its more user-friendly design. Recently, the Orange Pi Neo gaming handheld was announced, which will run on Manjaro Linux. The handheld will feature an AMD Ryzen 7 7840U in "Ultra Small and Ultra Slim" designs.We've been seeing a whole horde of Windows gaming handhelds hitting the market over the last few months, in reaction to Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck success. However,…
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